SFFMA Divisions
The Texas Industrial Emergency Services Board provides guidance for Texas industrial emergency response and loss prevention.
TIESB Contact Information:
Kevin Creamer
SFFMA Industrial Coordinator
PO Box 1709
Manchaca, TX 78752-1709
Phone: 512.454.3473 x103
Fax: 512.453.1876
Email: kcreamer@sffma.org
View TIESB Page to learn more.
SFFMA established an EMS Committee to represent emergency medical service organizations’ interests, concerns, and have legislative representation for those organizations.
The EMS Committee’s goals are to help address issues affecting emergency medical first responders, provide a representative to serve on the Governor’s EMS and Trauma Advisory Committee (GETAC), and offer emergency medical continuing education at the SFFMA annual conference.
Interested EMS departments may join SFFMA and participate in the issues being addressed by the EMS Committee and the association.
TFA (Texas Firemen’s Auxiliary)
PRESIDENT: Heather Trevino (Richard)
Cell: 956-537-4766
Rio Grande Valley District -
1st VICE PRES: Vacant
2nd VICE PRES: Heidi Hunting
Email: heidi1212@comcast.net
Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
3rd VICE PRES: Renee Evans
Cell: 713-301-5074
Email: Revans77511@gmail.com
Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
4th VICE PRES: Kathy Bransom
Cell: 281-734-3041
Email: ya_kbran@yahoo.com
Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
IMM. PAST PRES: Melissa Thomson (Jeff)
cell: 713-822-7754
email: fcas98@gmail.com
Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
SECRETARY: Donna Svatek (Dwayne)
cell: 281-239-9205
email: ddsvatek@yahoo.com
Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
TREASURER: Sharon Flisowski
cell: 979-277-4001
email: flisowskis@yahoo.com
Central Texas District -
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Jennifer Stewart (Jeremy)
cell: 806-632-5152
email: jennstw1022@icloud.com
Panhandle District -
HISTORIAN: Kerry Rodriguez (Tito)
cell: 817-223-3411
email: texasfirewife@yahoo.com Gulf Coast/Tri Rivers District -
CHAPLAIN: Jo Svatek (Billy)
Cell: 979-793-6968
Email: firemom05@yahoo.com
Gulfcoast/ Tri Rivers District -
SWEETHEART: Kaleigh Stewart
Panhandle District
2022-23 Committees & Chairpersons
Presidential Aide: Sandy Weniger - sandyw@satx.rr.com
Scholarship - Billie Smith - tfascholarshipchairman@gmail.com
Donations - VACANT
Special Activities - Neta Kattner - lunarpearl@aol.com
Ways and Means - VACANT
Verification of Records - Jerry Locklane - locknanej@yahoo.com
Social Media - Kaitlin Flisowski - tfasocialmediachairman@gmail.com
Golf Tournament - VACANT
The SFFMA International Division is currently inactive.