SFFMA Districts
Currently, SFFMA officially recognizes sixteen districts. Each represents a particular geographic area, which together include every county in the state. The districts are set forth and enumerated in the state association’s constitution and by-laws.
Each district is eligible to maintain organizational membership in SFFMA.
Districts are authorized to formally submit amendments to the SFFMA constitution and by-laws. Submitted amendments approved by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee are presented to and voted upon by the delegates at the SFFMA annual conference.
Duties of the Districts
It is the duty of each district to:
Provide district meeting information (date, time, location, agenda, etc.) to the SFFMA main office prior to a scheduled meeting. SFFMA will post district meeting information on its website for all members.
Communicate and coordinate the activities and business of the state association at the district/local level.
Provide updates such as officer installation, upcoming events, and other important announcements to the SFFMA main office.
Assist fire departments and members in their districts.
Provide a written record or report of their district’s activities at the SFFMA annual conference each year. Click here to download a copy of the District Officer’s Meeting Report that may be used for this purpose.
Submit a list of eligible candidates annually to serve on each of the state committees to assist and perform the business of SFFMA.
Submit a nominee from their district for Firefighter of the Year, and a nominee for EMS Responder of the Year awards. The awards are presented at the SFFMA annual conference.
Submit three posters from each division of their district poster contest to enter into the Gary Tilton Memorial Fire Prevention Poster Contest at the SFFMA annual conference.