Advertising Info
We would be happy to build an advertising program that meets your unique marketing goals. In addition to the publications below, we also offer website and social media opportunities. For more information about advertising with SFFMA contact our Marketing Director at 512.454.3473. Or email
Electronic Advertisement
InfoFire Conference Edition Newsletter
March (electronic newsletter) Emailed to SFFMA membership - about 8,000
Deadline: February
Ad Size Per Insertion
Full-page (color) $1,000 (940x1088px)
1/2-page $750 (940x988px)
1/4-page $500 (350x350px)
Any candidate running for a position on the SFFMA Executive Board will receive 50% OFF of the above advertisement rates.
Electronic Advertisement
eInfoFire Newsletter*
Jan, Feb, April, May, June, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec
(email/online newsletter - reaches over 10,000 people each time)
Deadline: 1st of the month
Ad Description Per Insertion
Top banner ad (700 x 210)** $275
Middle banner ad (700 x 210)** $250
Bottom banner ad (700 x 210)** $225
*Each e-InfoFire has three banner ads embedded in the newsletter.
Only three ads are available for each issue, and they will be rotated in order received. If one advertiser purchases a certain banner for multiple months or the full year, that banner will not be available to other advertisers.
**A 700 x 210 banner ad must be provided to SFFMA for the e-InfoFire. SFFMA can design artwork if needed.
Conference Program
May (combination of black/white and color pages, 4”x 9” including a 0.125” bleed)
Given to all annual conference attendees – about 700
Deadline: May
Ad Size Per Insertion
Full-page (color) $600
1/2-page $275
1/4-page $150