Rejoin Today - Benefits Expired Dec. 31
Rejoin Today - Benefits Expired Dec. 31 〰️
State Firefighters’ & Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas (SFFMA)
Promote, Unify, Represent and Educate Fire and EMS Responders
Questions? Email and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Your 2024 Benefits Have Expired - Rejoin Today!
Note: SAFER Grant funds may be available to help cover the cost of membership.
Our 2025 Membership Drive is in full swing!
SFFMA membership runs from January 1-December 31 each calendar year. Renew now for 2025. Please note - members/departments now update their account information and generate their own invoices from PORTAL rather than SFFMA printing and mailing them out. This helps keep costs down, and reduces printing incorrect information. It also saves trees. And renewing or signing up online is fast and easy in the SFFMA PORTAL! Registering and updating your account is safe and convenient. With PORTAL, you’re in control!
*** Renew today and have peace of mind. ***
Make sure there is no lapse in your insurance coverage. We had numerous LODDs in the past two years where the firefighters had a lapse in coverage. Tragically, after losing a loved one, their families didn’t receive anything from insurance. We know you put your life on the line every day. If the worst were to happen, would your family be okay?
We also ask all PORTAL users to please make sure you have your most up-to-date contact info in the system. This includes addresses and emails. We can’t communicate with you if we don’t have the most current info!
2025 Membership Rates
Department/Industrial $200/year
Individual $50/year
Junior $25/year
Retired $25/year
Sustaining Members $200/year
News & Announcements
Welcome, Cherry Kay!
The Executive Board is proud to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director, Mrs. Cherry Kay Abel. She brings more than sixteen years of experience in association management, helping organizations achieve strategic growth, financial sustainability, and stronger member engagement.
Please join us in giving her a warm welcome! Mrs. Abel officially started on January 13, 2025, and will be attending the District Officer Symposium and upcoming district meetings. We are thrilled to have her on board and look forward to the continued growth and leadership she will bring to our great association. (Read more about Cherry Kay in this month’s e-InfoFIRE newsletter. Check your email inbox beginning January 15 in the evening.)
Certification & Testing
Need help with SFFMA Certification & Testing? Contact your Certification Coordinator or Zone Representative; they can answer most of your questions about testing and certification. Access the PORTAL.
Visit these web pages for additional info:
Click here to access all SFFMA portal tutorials.
Maintenance Notice: The PORTAL will be offline each night from 11 p.m.-12 a.m. for maintenance/updating as needed. Please do not log into PORTAL during this time.
Quick Links
Follow us on Instagram!
We’re joining the 21st century in terms of social media. Our Instagram account is live! Check it out. Your photos are now more important than ever!
Need a gift idea?
Know someone who recently passed an exam, got a promotion at their department or received a certification? This is a great way to say “Congrats!”. Check out our hoodies, ball caps, belt buckles, challenge coins (and very nice wooden holders), backpacks and other items for the firefighters in your life. Visit the store!
SAFER Grant Info
Thanks to funding provided by the SAFER Grant, SFFMA is able to offer qualifying fire departments financial assistance with paying their SFFMA membership dues. It can also help cover the costs of PPE and physicals for new volunteers. And marketing tools! Read more about the requirements and how to apply here!
State Firefighters’ & Fire Marshals’ Association
Interested in volunteering for the fire department in your community?
Offer your dedication, leadership, and heart for serving your community, your neighbors, and your friends. YOU ARE NEEDED, and it doesn’t have to mean donning gear and fighting fires…there are many roles you can fill in your local department. Come and make a difference. Come and see what being a hero means. No Superman cape required.
Join your local volunteer fire department today.
Need Firefighter Recruitment/Retention Help? Click here.